Pre-Event Interview
RECKLESS / “Experience something new with RECKLESS! Take on challenges together in a spirit of mutual respect”
The DANCE DANCE ASIA Jakarta tour will be the second overseas performance for RECKLESS, a team of young dancers who blend the popping, locking, and krumping styles. We spoke with the members about creating works for the stage, about their ambitions and what drives them forward.

What are your ambitions in participating in DANCE DANCE ASIA?
YOSHIKI : This is the second overseas trip for RECKLESS, following our Italy show. In Italy we were happy to get a standing ovation from the entire audience, and we’ll do our best to get the same reaction in Jakarta.
BAFARIN : It’s rare that all the members of RECKLESS get together to perform, so I’m really glad we are able to do this, and I’m looking forward to the audience response.
Prince Twiggz : I’m also totally revved up for doing this with the rest of the RECKLESS team! And I’m looking forward to interacting with people in Jakarta, including fellow krumpers.
RYUICHI : We’re going to be putting on a lengthy show this time. One challenge for me personally will be to incorporate acting into the performance.
KTR : This is my second time going overseas with DDA, after the Bangkok tour this March, and I’m excited to see what the reaction will be like in a different country. Mixing krumping, popping and locking in a single performance is something you hardly ever see, and I want to make sure RECKLESS puts on the best show possible.
ICHI : I’m the only dancer among us who specializes in locking, and I’m glad to have the chance to show it off. I’m really looking forward to the workshop, where I’m confident we’ll be able to get everyone on their feet and moving!

What was it that brought the group together?
RYUICHI : I ran across this flyer advertising a dance battle in Italy, and I wanted to get together male dancers at the top of their game and create a team that could enter it. We had all seen each other around, but it was the first time we danced together. It was me that originally invited everyone, even though they’ve all been around longer than I have. There’s not too much difference in our ages, though.

Please introduce one another.
ICHI : BAFARIN is the team’s hardcore idea man. He’s like a mad scientist, coming up with all these ideas that no one has thought of before.
BAFARIN : The way I see myself is more like, someone who disturbs the peace [laughs]. As for KTR here, he’s something like a teen idol in our group, and someone who sparks things up. He’s got explosive force.
KTR : YOSHIKI is the guy who keeps everything in line. He and RYUICHI and BAFARIN have vivid character, and are kind of in charge of the comic side of things [laughs], but YOSHIKI is also like an administrator [laughs]. He puts together the music and comes up with ideas for details, as well.
YOSHIKI : Prince Twiggz is a real laid-back guy, but when he gets dancing with a cap, he’s the world’s best. In the show we’re going to put on, he does great things with the hat, and I hope everyone will pay attention to that.
Prince Twiggz : RYUICHI is younger than I am, age-wise, but since we first met I’ve always seen him as a dignified older figure.
He was a star appearing on TV dance programs even before I took up dancing, and I find it amazing to be able to dance alongside him on equal footing. Although he likes to joke around, he’s really incredibly stable and dependable. I love the guy [laughs]. He was the one that got RECKLESS together, that’s one example of how he’s got the power to make things happen. He not only does dance, but also sings and does other stuff, and I really admire that.
RYUICHI : ICHI is the oldest in years, but he seems like the youngest. He has the distinction of being the only “locker” on the team, and he has terrific reflexes, so he plays a central role when we do group moves. In Italy, too, he acted as the core of the maneuvers that thrilled the audience most. I think it’s like, if you want to thrill an audience, ICHI’s your man! I really love the guy [laughs].

Most of what you guys do is dance battles, so I wonder what your feelings are about performing a choreographed, narrative work on stage?
RYUICHI : To be honest, I was reluctant at first, but I decided to take on the challenge, because I thought this would be the only chance to work with all the other RECKLESS members who I respect and admire so much.
I hope people will appreciate the drama that leads up to the themes of the second half. We thought it up together, based on questions like, what is a dance group? What are friendship and teamwork?

What points did you keep in mind when incorporating non-dance elements into this, like acting, and a full-on battle that lasts a minute or so?
RYUICHI : When it comes to being loose and laid-back, versus dancing full throttle, I think we all have confidence in the latter. It’s the languid parts, like scenes where we’re just walking, that we really had to work on in order to make the story work. We all put our individual input into making that happen.
When dancing solo, each one of us tries to outdo the rest, but during the narrative sections we all work together as a unit. It struck me that contrast like that is important.

Please let us have a message for Jakarta!
YOSHIKI : We want to showcase Japanese dance, and show you there are people like us out there, doing things like this!
ICHI : Feel the power of the young generation, straight from Japan to you! I’m sure you’ll agree, this is the wave of the future.
BAFARIN : I hope our dancing will bring smiles to as many faces as possible in Jakarta.
KTR : I hope we can demonstrate to you that there are lots of great dancers in Asia too! As for me personally, I’m hoping people will appreciate the krumping style that I do.
RYUICHI : My ambition is to give the people of Jakarta a fresh new experience by exposing them to our work and the RECKLESS style.
Prince Twiggz : I hope our mixed-genre style will make an impact that will inspire dancers in Jakarta to do similar things, and liven up the whole dance scene there!
Posted – 2015.08.19
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